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Shawndra Holmberg
9 min read
Unlock Your Writing Productivity: Key Lessons from Gretchen Rubin's book, Better Than Before
Read "Better Than Before" — Look for strategies to build your writing habit — Unlock your writing productivity

Shawndra Holmberg
4 min read
Lawn Furniture & Writing
The similarity between the lawn furniture training concept & writing felt obvious. I start every month with a plan to write, but soon...

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
It's Fall — What's Your Writing Plan?
What is your writing plan for September, October, and November? Determine what you need in these 5 areas to write this fall.

Shawndra Holmberg
5 min read
Fuel Your Passion for Writing with Retreats, Conferences & Writing Groups
Concentrate your focus, build writing skills, increase creativity, or nurture your motivation with writing groups, retreats & conferences

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
Set Your Summer Writing Plans
It’s almost SUMMER! What’s the plan for your writing journey over the summer? There’s no write or wrong. 😉

Shawndra Holmberg
5 min read
Focused Writing: Limit Online Distractions
Tools and habits to limit online distractions like social media, email, and “research” from sucking away your focused writing time.

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
Get to Know Your Ideal Reader
It’s hard to write a book for the masses, but it’s easy to speak to an individual. Knowing your Ideal Reader can help you write.

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
Writing Prompts
A list of prompts to get you started. Some prompts are geared toward non-fiction, others for fiction.

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
Get Ready to Go Mobile
At some point, you'll want to get some writing in when you're away from your usual space. What will you need to take your writing mobile?

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
Plan for Your What Ifs
Let’s do some ‘what if’ planning. If you are prepared for life to interrupt your writing but have a plan to deal with it and keep going,...

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
The Organized Pen: Day 1 | Welcome
Start your writing journey today. Get tools, tips and strategies.

Shawndra Holmberg
2 min read
The Organized Pen: Day 5 | EXTERNAL SUPPORT
Take an inventory of things and people that support or have supported your writing journey (or any of your dreams or goals).

Shawndra Holmberg
3 min read
The Organized Pen: Day 7 |Continue Your Writer’s Journey
What do you need to set up in order to show up and give your words a space to exist in this world?
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