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You need a PLAN B — Dhucks can help you and your pets weather the storms

“Good preparation is better than hope for a miracle.”

Sunday Adelaja

When you think of emergencies and disasters, you may picture hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or blizzards. But a disaster does not have to affect your whole community. A disaster is anything that overwhelms your resources.


Sometimes things can happen just to you or your family or your business. It can be as routine as your car needing repair or your computer crashing. It could be a fire that destroys your office or a water heater that floods your basement.


If you want help preparing for emergencies (and disasters), contact Dhucks to schedule your complimentary phone assessment to see if we would make a great team.

ebook and paperback book - 31 Small Steps to Organize for Emergencies (and Disasters)
ebook and paperback book covers - Pet Preparedness: A Household handbook for Pet Owners

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