Save Time, Develop a Writing Ritual
When you build a habit or develop a ritual around your writing, you can get to your computer, tablet or paper in the write mindset. You’ll s
Save Time, Develop a Writing Ritual
Use Gateway Tasks to Get Started
It May Not Be Procrastination
The 3 Keyboard Shortcuts You Need
Text Expanders — do you need one and will it improve your productivity?
Don't Procrastinate — Chunk It!
🔧5 Tools🔨 I'm Relying on for Increased Productivity in 2019 🎉
Choose an Accountability Partner this Holiday Season
Keep Your FOCUS
Disconnect to Reconnect
3 Evernote features I love
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*FYI: I do receive $ from Amazon when you click on product links and purchase items from Amazon.
I don't know what you look at or buy and so far I've been able to buy, on average, 3 cups of coffee each year from the income.