Transition is the process of getting from one chapter of your life to the next chapter, or even a different book all together. Sometimes the change that requires you to transform your life is expected and welcomed. At other times, it blindsides you and you're left grasping for understanding.
You may be familiar with the obvious transitions: getting married, getting divorced, having a baby or adopting; changing jobs, starting or finishing school, moving, or the loss of a loved one. Transition is also required when you're newly diagnosed with a disease or health condition, or when your physical abilities change due to illness, accident or age.
Change is necessary to life and here are my Rules to Transition by:
Make a Plan. Take the time to think about your desired outcome, what might happen and, more importantly, what you think needs to happen to get your outcome. Where do your organizing efforts fit in? I like to mind map (a visual way to organize my thoughts) in the planning stage, then I create a list of actions to take. Because you're in transition, your plan will need to evolve with you. Keep your to-do list short (3 - 5) and return to this step often. Want more help on to-do lists check out Juggling: The Art of Time Management.
Prioritize your responsibilities. Prioritize your organizing & maintenance efforts. You cannot do everything you were doing before the transition on top of what you need to do now. Expect to add, change or eliminate responsibilities (at least temporarily). Pick the tasks that are most necessary to your functioning AND to your mental and physical health. Check out 3 Powerful Questions to Reach Your Goal. Though these three questions were originally applied to goals, you can use them to focus on getting through your transition also.

Accept that it will take longer to get settled than you think; that it won't be as easy as you expect (or hope); and that unexpected things will happen to derail your good intentions. It may be time to get realistic about how long things really take. Find out more here.
Give yourself time to grieve what was. Even if the transition is expected and desired, transitions require you to leave something behind. Give yourself time to acknowledge that loss so you can celebrate what is to come. Loss, Grief and Organization
Focus on the positive. Whether or not the transition was of your making, focusing on the positive aspects will help you move forward, unless you prefer to live with pain and unhappiness. Though the transition may not be your choice, how you respond in the end is entirely your choice.
Redefine success. A month ago, success may have been clearing out your spare room and keeping the kitchen table clear. This week, success may be keeping the kitchen table clear or maybe just finding your keys each morning. 3 Thoughts to Take into the New Year
Think of how you can transition and get where you want to go. If you would like my support and assistance in your transition please email, shawndrah@gmail.com or call, 808.937.9338.
You Can! get your dhucks in a row.