Each Paper category has a Retention Reference and online article to review. Complete the last three columns for each category and build your retention guide. Identify:
- Why you need it?
- How long you'll keep it?
- Where you'll store it?
These answers establish your retention guidelines for paper. Deciding this once and using your written guidelines will decrease the time it takes to sort through your papers. Many of your decisions to Keep or Toss will have been made and all you need to do is refer back to this guide.
It covers:
Tax Returns & Documentation
Monthly Bills & Statements
Financial & Property
Vital Documents
Important Documents
Employment & Education
and Additional Items
KEEP or TOSS: Establish Your Paper Retention Guidelines
Always check with your tax accountant or lawyer for your specific situation.
Shawndra Holmberg, Dhucks, is not a tax accountant or lawyer. Though links are provided to resources that provide retention guidance, you must establish your own personal retention guidelines based on your specific situation.
This matrix is for PERSONAL and not business use.